Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Go Kodiaks!

This cake was made for my son's football banquet. I used a ball pan for the helmet and the actual face mask from his trophy. The helmet which is covered in homemade fondant was 1 yellow cake mix and the bottom layer and cupcakes were another 3 mixes. We had a lot of people at the party.

Buzz Lightyear 1st birthday

This cake was for my cousin's 1st birthday. The gray moon Buzz is standing on is the smash cake for him. The blue outerspace where Zurg is has edible glitter and stars sprinkled on top.

Sunday, August 10, 2008


The theme for my 2 year old cousin's party was firetrucks, and every good firefighter needs a dalmatian. It was made using several cake pans, pieced together and covered with marshmallow fondant. His hat is a cupcake also covered in fondant. My favorite part is his cute little tail.

Voo Doo Divorce cake

This little man was made for a friend to celebrate her divorce. It was red velvet and covered in marshmallow fondant. The little pins are juju bees on toothpicks. Even though the red cake made it look like he was bleeding, (see leg pictue below) it was all done in fun and no REAL men were hurt during the process:)

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Happy Bunny

Silly rabbit. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Remy and his cheese

Remy from the Disney movie Ratatouille is plastic, but his cheese is an 8in. round with cream cheese frosting. (HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEBBIE)

Friday, April 25, 2008

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Crypto the Alien

Fondant covered cake and letters

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Peppermint twist

Pretty in Pink

60, Don't be cruel

My mom is a big Elvis fan. The record on the cake and music notes are royal icing. I also made chip bowls out of records.

Lightning McQueen

He may be fast, but this cake was not. The colors and detail took me forever, but my son just loved him.

Sunflower and honeybees

Get 'R Done

This was made for a friend that's a Larry The Cable Guy fan. It was presented to her in a pop case box.

Graduation Cakes

Picture cake and chocolate Eeore

Paint Ball mountain

Ice cream cake with gummy soldiers

Dillon as Batman

Picture cake of Dillon in his Batman costume for his Batman birthday. He REALLY liked Batman that year.

Jumbo Cookie

Be My Valentine

Sweetheart cupcakes

"Carrot Cake"

Carrot cake with cream cheese frosting

Other uses for cake pans

Wilton inspired Christmas buffet. The star pan was used for the cranberry ice mold and the ball pan was the cream cheese igloo for the gummy penguins. A simple cake stand decorated with peppermints and fruit is very festive.

Sweet Teddy Bear

This little bear was my 6 year old sons creation for his grandfathers cake

Harley Davidson tires

Two bundt cakes covered in chocolate fondant and offset to look like stacked tires.

Thomas the Train

This cake was for a 1st birthday. The top layer was his smash cake.

Ahoy Matey

Would you like Chocolate sand or Vanilla water? This cake was half chocolate and half vanilla. Jack Sparrow got the bigger half AND his treasure.

Yea Team!

The perfect ending to a perfect season.

Cinderella and Minnie

Happy 21st Birthday

Chocolate cake and strawberry frosting. So good together.

Adoption Celebration

S'mores Birthday Girl

Yes those are real chocolate bars on the bottom. MMMM...

Chicken Little

My version of a cake I had seen in the grocery store. Chicken Little was a happy meal toy:)

The Punisher

As if this cake wasn't scary enough, the inside was white cake with red jell-o streaks to looked like blood!

Dump Truck Cake

This cake was created for my cousins 3rd birthday, all chocolate of course!